CV Google Scholar Projects Research Interests

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Kumar Kshitij Patel

PhD student,
Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago (TTIC)
6045 S. Kenwood Ave., Chicago, IL

About Me

I am a fifth-year PhD student at the Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago (TTIC), where I have the privilege of being advised by Prof. Nati Srebro and Prof. Lingxiao Wang. Throughout my PhD, I have explored various facets of collaborative learning, focusing on proving theoretical guarantees for optimization and ensuring the privacy of distributed algorithms amid data and systems heterogeneity. Recently, my research has expanded to examine the incentives that encourage agents to initiate and sustain these collaborations. A more in depth discussion about my research projects can be found here.

For an (mostly) up-to-date list of my publications, please visit my Google Scholar profile. You can also access my CV here.

During Summer 2023, I worked with Nidham Gazagnadou and Lingjuan Lyu from the Privacy Preserving Machine Learning team at Sony AI in Tokyo, Japan as a research intern. During summer 2020, I worked with the amazing team at Codeguru, Amazon Web Services as an applied scientist intern. And before joining TTIC, I obtained my BTech in Computer Science and Engineering at Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur. There I was fortunate to work with Prof. Purushottam Kar on Bandit Learning algorithms. I also spent a year of my undergraduate on academic exchange at École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) where I worked at the Machine Learning and Optimization Laboratory (MLO) with Prof. Martin Jaggi.

I am actively looking for postdoctoral positions starting next year in Fall 2025. I am interested in exploring research areas both related to and separate from my current projects, as detailed in my evolving research interests.


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